The local community parade is still one of the feature attractions of many community events. Often times a service club or agricultural society is responsible for inviting participation in these events and a breakfast or BBQ is involved. Paradigm welcomes the opportunity to be involved and to provide recognition for local brand clients at these events.
and western heritage as well as sponsor messaging. Client support for VIP's can be integrated with some of these appearances as well. If possible and convenient, the Paradigm staff may arrange to provide a Heritage Appreciation Ride for senior residents in local facilities after the parade is delivered. Images and stories from the event are added to the online areas and local media are provided with contrent for their use so that brand value in the local area is enhanced.
It is possible to incorporate, staff ride-a-longs, client loyalty programs and even junior education/achievement programs into some of these appearances. Paradigm staff work to ensure that the client brand is presented positively, respectfully and with sensitivity to the clients, prospective clients and communities where your brand lives.
When appropriate, Paradigm attempts to win the hitch category and prize money of these events parades. The ribbons remain the property of Paradigm but can be displayed for a period of time by the brand client or an affiliate. Prize money is donated to a worthy community cause jointly in the name of the client and Paradigm.
A public appearance of the Paradigm Percherons may be something you would like to consider - Contact 403.921.5900
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